Hungary and the grand conjunction of 2020

Hungary was the first country of the ex-Eastern Bloc to set out on the path to reform when the Communist Party Congress proclaimed Hungary a liberal democratic state. The parliamentary process ended at 12:00 noon on 23 October 1989 (The Guardian, 29/10/1989). This event might be used as a basis for the horoscope of modern Hungary, examined under the influence of the grand conjunction of 2020.


The ascendant is at 7 Capricorn; Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are rising and opposing Jupiter. Due to this configuration, any transit of the Ascendant is bound to assume much more significance than usual. The meaning of such transits is that eventually the ideals of the people, symbolized by Neptune, and the structure of the state, represented by Saturn, might come under pressing. On the other hand, Moon-Pluto square indicates people driven by emotion. One should therefore expect collective high passion expressed at moments when this square experiences powerful transits. This has occurred in many cases in the past (see notes).

In the chart of modern Hungary, tr. Saturn has just passed the natal Asc-Saturn-Neptune conjunction indicating a transformation of the collective spirit of the people whereby the purgation of false ideas will occur. Mars, passing into the 3rd house, also exerts its effect on the opposite 9th house – the legislation. Recently in December, thousands of Hungarians protested the ratification of a labor law, which allows employers to claim up to 400 hours of overtime per year from their employees and law concerning the establishment of new courts. The former is described as the “law of slavery”, the latter provides for the establishment of administrative courts that will be subordinate to the government and will deal with sensitive issues such as the electoral procedure, protests, and corruption issues. On the other side, in September 2018, Hungary has been accused by the EU over breaches of the EU’s core values – attacks on the media, minorities, and the rule of law.

Last Saturday, the protests began again and labor unions are considering a general strike, while Neptune, in a long transit through the 2nd house of Hungary’s natal chart, expands its dilutive effect in the economy as the forint is negatively affected by the strong frank of neighboring Switzerland. Orban’s new government will face unrest until the end of March, with the period mid-January through mid-February being the most turbulent. Yet, there is not anything decisive and definitive, as its chart (10 May 2018 12pm) is under a lucky astrological configuration of Sun opposition Jupiter, sextile/trine Pluto and Neptune.

Late in 2019 tr Pluto, squaring the country’s natal Mars, will initiate a more intense period, and, by January 2020, this natal planet will be hit by the grand conjunction of 2020. With Mars being in the 9th house, the confrontation is likely to be centered on legal matters and relations with neighboring countries. Therefore, in 2020 EU institutions seem to take a firm grip on the country’s legal system. In the same year, tr Uranus entering the 4th house and opposing the Midheaven will start six years of domestic unrest. Then Hungary, with its people opposing the government and the authoritative rule of the EU, will become a spot of political turmoil.



a) In 2006, a series of anti-government demonstrations triggered by the release of a Prime Minister’s private speech in which he confessed that his party had lied to win the 2006 election. Most of the manifestations took place in Budapest and other major cities between 17 September and 23 October. In that period tr. Saturn was conjoining n. Moon. Additionally tr. Sun, Mercury and Mars were forming conjunctions with n. Mercury, Mars, Sun, and squares with n. Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune.
b) On 16 March 2011, people took to the streets of Budapest to protest a new law on the mass media. On that date, tr. Mars, Sun, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mercury were all in the 3rd house (the mass media) of Hungary and the last two planets were squaring the ascendant of the country. Transiting Pluto was conjunct natal Saturn, forming a 135° aspect to the Moon.
c) On October 1, 2011, protests began anew in the Hungarian capital. As trade unions and civic organizations were taking to the street with their grievances against the government, Sun and Mercury were squaring the natal conjunction at the Ascendant. On October 23, with tr. Mars exactly on n. Moon, tens of thousands of Hungarians rallied against the government’s moves to concentrate power in its hands and over its failure to energize a stagnant economy.

©, 2018


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