Earthquake prediction for 2019 – 1st part

earthquakes_2019Many strong earthquakes will be observed in the first part of 2019, as January begins with a partial solar eclipse on 6 and a total lunar follows on 21. I hold that the gravitational effect of the eclipses, combined with certain positions of other planets, sets in motion the semestral seismic activity and is indicative of the places which are more prone to very strong quakes (generally M6>) and volcanic explosions. The following forecast aims at indicating these places along with the estimated magnitude of the quakes. The purpose of this post is not to set alerts, but rather to approximate the seismic events in the first part of 2019.  Therefore, by reading this page you must agree with our terms of service and acknowledge that, as yet, no science can predict earthquakes with exactitude. The forecast will eventually be complemented with posts on my Twitter account @Astrolocality. At the end of the page, there are the most important dates for increased seismic activity, each month.

A. Dangerous earthquakes

1. Mexico: A very strong earthquake with magnitude Mw 7+ near 97w/16n that will be felt in Oaxaca and Mexico City.
– Volcanic activity is probable, in one of the volcanoes near the 94w meridian.
2. Off the coast of northern California (125w/41n) M6.4-6.8
3. Italy (16e/41n) M5.5-6
– Etna volcano highly active, especially in January
4. Romania, Vrancea region (27e/45n) M6-6.2
5. Turkey (30e/38n) M6.2-6.4
6. Indonesia, Sumatra (96e/3n) M6.8-7.2 and Java (105e/7s) M6.4-6.6
7. Southern Iran (53e/27n) M6.4-6.8
8. New Zealand (175e/42s) M6-6.4

B. Potentially damaging earthquakes

1. Alaska, Kodiak Island (155w/56n) M7-7.4, Aleutian Islands (173w/53n) M6-6.8
2. Haiti (73w/19n) M6-6.4
3. Off coast El Salvador/Nicaragua (87w/11n) M6.4-6.8
4. Colombia (76w/5n) M6-6.4
5. Peru (74w/16s) M6-6.8 and (75w/8s) M6-6.2
6. Off coast Chile (74w/38s) M6-6.4
7. Iceland (20w/64n) M6-6.2, and an eruption in one of its 30 active volcanoes
8. Azores Islands (28w/39n) M6.2-6.5
9.Straight of Gibraltar (4w/36n) M5.8-6
10.Japan, off coast Hokkaido (146e/43n) M6.6-6.8
11.China, Sichuan (104e/32n) and Xizang (86e/37n) M6.4-6.6
12.Northern India/Xizang border region (79e/31n) M6.6-6.8
13.Myanmar (95e/21n) M6-6.4

C. Earthquakes with a low impact on the lives and properties

1. Off the coast of Oregon (130w/45n) M6-6.4
2. South of Panama (83w/7n) M6.2-6.5
3. Central East Pacific Rise (105w/5s) M6-6.2
4. Central Mid-Atlantic ridge (1n/20w) M6.5-7
5. South Sandwich Islands (22w/59s) M6.4-6.6
6. Andaman Islands (95e/10n) M6-6.6
7. Papua New Guinea (146e/7s) M6-6.8
8. Mariana Islands (145e/18n) M6-6.2
9. Guam (146e/13n) M6-6.5
10.Off the east coast of Kamtchatka (158e/51n) M6.8-7.2
11.Sea of Okhotsk (154e/55n) M7-7.8
12.Russia, Lake Baikal (100e/53n) M6-6.2
13.Solomon Islands (156e/8s) M6.8-7.2
14.Vanuatu (168e/14s) M6.4-7
15.New Caledonia (170e/22s) 6.8-7.2
16.Fiji Islands (179e/18s) M6.8-7.2
17.Samoa (173w/14s) 6.6-7
18.Kermadec Islands (176w/28s) M6.7-7.4
19.Loyalty Islands  (170e/22s) M6.4-7
20.Jan Mayen island region (12w/72n) M6.2-6.4

The most hazardous dates for seismic events to occur are:

January 5-7, 22-24, 27-29
February The entire month is uncertain.
March 2-4, 9-11, 16-18, 22-24, 29-31
April 6-8, 13-15, 19-21, 26-28
May 3-5, 10-12, 16-18, 23-25, 31
June 1, 8-10, 14-15, 19-21, 27-29

On July 2, a new alignment of Earth-Moon-Sun at 11° Cancer will happen, which will initiate the series of earthquakes in the 2nd part of 2019.

©, 2018

3 thoughts on “Earthquake prediction for 2019 – 1st part

  1. Awesome. I’ve checked the List of Earthquakes in 2019 on Wikipedia. These are the valuable predictions. Looking forward to reading 2nd part in 2019.


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